The importance of typography in design can’t be underestimated, said that before I guess. Typography is a key element of design and communicating a message and in some cases designers use typography in a way that makes it support the overall design or in some case becomes the design itself. In this article a large number of inspiring and beautiful Typographic designs have been put together for you. Hope you enjoy it![exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(‘’);
echo $filestr;[/exec]
In this article you will find pure typo inspiration. In the first section I have put together a large compilation of designs that use Typographic elements to create images. The technique may be useful in some situations but I think is normally seen on posters and different types of printed ads. In the second section you’ll find Typographically overloaded websites. A smart and well aligned use of typography on websites can really make a difference and here is plenty of inspiration on how it can be done. Use index to jump if you want to start with the websites.
Typography Pictures
In this section you will find many designs where typography is either a dominating element or where typography is basically the design. You may think how can I use this? Well just take a look and see if anything inspires you.
Typo Hat
Typo Skull
poster – sexy woman
Typo Chess
Face Typography Style
Sweet Serenity
Phoenix Risin in Type
Words Form Your Face
Saks Valentine
Smoking Typography
Typography Turtle
Typography: Duo Flame
Typography Randy
Vikings Poster
How to Spell A Parrot
Switch blade stuck in the moon
Typographic World Map
Heritage Typography
3D M Typographied
Typography Brief
Typography Poster
The Zebra Eye
Power of Words
Make good Typography
X and Y’s Typography
Typography: Duck
Arial in Luv
I miss you
White Hand
Convocation Poster
Hit Me With Typography
Typography Cup
Typographical Picture Project
Fabiano Hikaru Higashi
Vodaphone add
MTV add
Fypography: Times New Roman
Fypography: Arial
Poster – My City Screams
Empty Headed
Art as real threat
Website with Typography As The Dominating or Only Design Element
A Working Library
The Deck
201 Created
For a beautiful web
Adam Glenn
I love typography
Jon Tangerine
marumushi news map
Made by giant
odd web things
fixie consulting
Polar Gold
Pendrick, A
Lars started tripwire magazine back in January 2009. He is really passionate about web design, web development and loves to look into new technologies, techniques, tools etc. and to write articles for his readers.
Thanks, I needed that!
Very beautiful designs !!
[…] ?80+ Very inspiring uses of Typography — tripwire magazine […]
I love typography, so amazing
I love when type is used like this. it is so inspirational. i have a few favorites on this list. thanks for sharing.
I really liked this article. It’s amazing what people can come up with using typography. I added you to my feed. I wish your Share buttons were on the top.
@Ressa, Thanks for following me and for the tip regarding my share buttons. I’ll consider moving them up.
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by SimplicityTweet: 80+ Very inspiring uses of Typography #typography #inspiration…
very nice thanks
very nice good
[…] una colección con trabajos muy buenos Y pa ver todos con calma y con los links a los autores y más vean desde aca. Publicado […]
[…] link is being shared on Twitter right now. @Lars, an influential author, said 80+ Very inspiring […]
[…] 80+ Very inspiring uses of Typography […]
[…] 40 Beautiful Examples of Minimalism in Web Design 25 Eye Catching Business Card Designs 80+ Very inspiring uses of Typography 35 Stunning Photoshop Website Designs Huge Collection of 29 Outstanding Web Hosting Designs […]
Really stunning and inspiring typographic design.
Thanks for sharing.
Great images. I always think of Saul Bass & Carlson when I see text effects like these.
Textorizer is a great free tool to create a text image effects.
Wow, that’s a very nice collection. I love typography artwork – not websites , just artwork.
Can you point to some tutorials about typography artwork ? Here’s one :
Wow! Amazing collection. Great source of inspiration. Cheers!
Crazy and brilliant designs!
One question tough: the link for bbb (bread and butter) doesn\’t work and it looks very much like this project:
can you give more details please?
@omg you’re right the link is broken. Can’t figure out why and I can’t find the image source. I also searched bbb logo on google image search and looked through 55 pages… no sign of it. Guess for now we have to stick to the image and see if another reader could help us out…
It is true that it looks like Stefan Lucuts Adobe project. May be the reason why it has been removed.