When looking at an old paper, one cannot help but associate its appearance to a past event.

It is a sort of a tool that effectively reminds us of a distant memory of our past – lost love, happy events, sad memories, or perhaps a historical event that helped shaped our lives. That is why, web designers make good use of a old paper texture to evoke the feeling of nostalgia and authentic look on their web pages. Finding a good old paper texture or background may require a lot of effort.

As designer you can either grab your camera and shoot a photograph of an old paper, or you can use photographs created by others. Luckily, there are some really good free resources with old papers textures available where kind hearted photographers and designers have shared their textures. Through their efforts, we can now view and compare these old paper textures as much as we like on the web, and take a pick based on our personal preferences and needs for our design. To further simplify your life I’m rounding up 90+ of some of the most beautiful old paper textures that I believe can be very useful for any designer. Old paper textured look really awesome with retro fonts and western fonts.

Here, you can download old papers which are nicely wrinkled, torn-edged, rough, smooth, stained, and many more. If you find this article useful, please don’t hesitate to drop us a comment and share this to your friends. Also let us know if we missed some great resources!

If you like textures, make sure to check out the thousands of fully-licensed textures found over at Envato Market.

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Old Paper 1 by morningstocks

Old Paper by Paulo San Lazaro

8 cool paper Textures

Old Paper Textures by Playingwithbrushes

Sky Paper by Prigix

Scrapbook paper

Old Paper Texture by Playingwithbrushes

Old Paper Texture by Nevermoregraphix

Old Paper Texture from smellycat206

Old Paper Texture by Wings of a Hero

Torn by Playingwithbrushes

Free Old Paper Texture

Old Paper Canvas by Visualogist

TBS Texture

Old Paper by Bittbox

Old Paper-Bunch by Bittbox

Old Paper 41 Stock by ofruin-stock

Old Cover Book, Paper Texture by Tonton Copt

Old Notebook Paper

Stained Paper by Struckdum

Piece of 8-Old Paper-1600×1200 by DevonTT

Old Paper-Spread by Bittbox

Paper Again by Struckdumb

2008 old paper texture 007

Old paper from Free Stock Textures

Paper Texture by darkrose42-stock

Thick Old Paper by Muffet

Old Paper 27 Stock by ofruin-stock

Texture 014 by miaka-stock

6 Old Paper Textures by Digital Yard Sale

6 Old Sheets of Paper Textures by Env1ro

10 Old Paper Background by Bleeding Dragon

5 Pieces of Old and Damaged Papers by Smashmethod

5 Rough Edge Old Paper Textures by Fuzzimo

10 High-Res Paper Textures by Lasse Korsgaaard

13 HQ Old Paper Textures

4 Pieces Vintage Paper Texture Pack by Knald

5 Pieces of Free old Paper Textures by Samevisions

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Author : Sonny Day


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