If you work in online marketing or social media, you know how difficult it can be to try and be everywhere at once. Social media monitoring tools can be extremely useful to help brands, companies and individuals keep up with all relevant social media activity.

Social Media Monitoring Tools not only helps you to check what people have to say about you or your company brand but they also help you analyze the ROI (return on investment), and the steps you need to take to improve your reputation and make your customers happy. In this article, I have compiled a large list of social media monitoring tools to help you reach your social media goals. Enjoy! Keep in mind that besides tools for monitoring your social media performance it is also important to connect your sites to sites like Facebook in an intelligent way. WordPress Facebook plugins can certainly be helpful in this case![exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(โ€˜http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/googleadsensebelowmoretag.incโ€™);echo $filestr;[/exec]

Now to the Social Media Monitoring Tools

1. HootSuite


Offers premium social media monitoring tools to help enterprises maximize the reach and efficiency of social media outreach and listening efforts. With the Enterprise packages, youโ€™ll receive VIP service and significant benefits from using the complete selection of tools.

2. Addictomatic


Addictomatic searches the best live sites on the web for the latest news, blog posts, videos and images. Itโ€™s the perfect tool to keep up with the hottest topics, perform ego searches and feed your addiction for whatโ€™s up, whatโ€™s now or what other people are feeding on.

3. SocialMention

social mention

Receive free daily email alerts of your brand, company, CEO, marketing campaign, or on a developing news story, a competitor, or the latest on a celebrity.

4. Steprep


Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.

5. Twazzup social media monitoring


A dashboard program that monitors Twitter, Twazzup will tell you every time your keywords are mentioned in a tweet. It will also categorize your results by link popularity, contributors, tagging clouds and users. Unique features like avatar mouse-overs that give more details about that userโ€™s relevant tweets make Twazzup a surprisingly powerful and valuable social media monitoring tool.

6. Sysomos


A real-time social media monitoring and analytics platform featuring: Automated Sentiment, Key Influencer Tracking, Geography and Demographics, and Real-time with Historical Archives.

7. Radian6


Radian6โ€™s social media monitoring software helps businesses listen, discover, measure and engage in conversations across the social web. Radian6โ€™s software platform captures hundreds of millions of posts each day, including the full Twitter firehose, Facebook, blogs, news sites, discussion boards, video and image sharing sites. Clients explore real-time results on an interactive dashboard, use Radian6 Insights to discover meaningful and actionable intelligence.

8. Beevolve


Easy-to-use, comprehensive and most affordable social media monitoring and Insights Platform.

9. HowSociable


HowSociable provides a simple way for you to begin measuring your brandโ€™s visibility on the social web.

10. Buzzlogic


Buzzlogic sports tools intended to help you build more powerful and influential relationships and to track competing products. Buzzlogic is a proprietary conversational Advertising utility that all social marketers should try.

11. Seesmic


Seesmic is a suite of social media management and collaboration tools that provide everything to build their brands online. Seesmic has applications on every platform, including mobile, and a marketplace of third-party plugins.

12. PostRank


The social web connects people where they share, critique and interact with content and each other. PostRank is the largest aggregator of social engagement data in the industry.

13. SocialSeek


Get all the latest tweets, news, videos, photos, and more on any topic you want in one place. Thereโ€™s a Socialseek site for everything and you can even make your own.

14. SocialPointer

social pinter

SocialPointer is a real-time social media monitoring and marketing platform for marketing agencies and individuals, It enables them to track, monitor and respond in real-time to relevant social mentions and user conversation.

15. Boardtracker


BoardTracker is a forum search engine, message tracking and instant alerts system designed to provide relevant information while ensuring you never miss an important forum thread no matter where or when it is posted.

16. Blogpulse

blog pulse

BlogPulse is an automated trend discovery system for blogs. BlogPulse applies machine-learning and natural-language processing techniques to discover trends in the world of blogs. Different searches include basic, advanced, trend, URL and conversation tracker.

17. Alterian SM2


Alterian (LSE: ALN) empowers organizations to create relevant, effective and engaging experiences with their audience that help build value and reinforce commitment to their brand. A leading international integrated marketing platform provider, Alterianโ€™s unprecedented integration of analytics, content and execution through industry leading tools enables companies to build integrated communication strategies for a more personalized customer experience.

18. Tweetdeck


Tweetdeck unifies Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace to give you a convenient way to use and monitor social media. Whatโ€™s nice is that when your keywords are referenced, you have an easy way to quickly respond without having to leave the program.

19. Lithium


They will help you build a brand nation of your most passionate customers. Whether they are on Facebook, Twitter, or your own branded community, Lithium helps find them, listen to their conversations, and respond in an intelligent way. They will help you understand their influence, engage their passions, and turn them into superfansโ€”which means theyโ€™ll contribute to your companyโ€™s marketing, commerce, customer service, and product development activities. Theyโ€™ll belong to the brand.

20. Reputation Defender


Created for the specific purpose of helping you preserve and restore your reputation in social media, Reputation Defender offers a robust monitoring service that will help you keep track of your children, your privacy, and your brand. A feature called MyEdge helps you deal with the results that Google serves up about you.

21. Brandwatch

brand watch

This mid-level priced service is a powerful monitoring tool that is known for having top reporting features and an automated sentiment feature. Special tools for marketing, agencies, PR and reputation, and brand management make this an indispensible tool for monitoring your performance in social media.

22. Alltop


Guy Kawasakiโ€™s online magazine rack โ€“ or, more precisely, topic-based directory โ€” lets you search for influential blogs in a given niche or subject. Add the feeds to your RSS reader and you have a more targeted monitoring process.

23. CoTweet

co tweet

Free version is for individuals and organizations that manage a small number of Twitter accounts and need only basic features to engage and manage their conversations. Free version includes scheduling, conversation history, email notifications containing your latest mentions, team collaboration tools and access to Twitter follower profiles.

24. Facebook Search

facebook search

Facebook search is notoriously bad and will not find much, but if you have nothing else to do then give it a shot. It relies heavily on your social graph so the results you get may not be meaningful for your target audience.

25. Icerocket


Blog Tools, create your own Trend Graphs with the IceRocket Trend Tool. Enter keywords to see mentions trended over time. Trend Tool, enter items to see mentions trended over time.

26. Klout


Kloutโ€™s mission is to help every individual understand and leverage their influence. Klout measures influence in Twitter to find the people the world listens to. It analyzes content to identify the top influencers.

27. NutShellMail


NutshellMail social media monitoring tools lets you organize, monitor, and interact with all your social networks from a consolidated email digest delivered directly to your favorite inbox on a schedule that you choose. Nutshellmail supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Ning.

28. Mentionmap

mention map

Explore your Twitter network. Discover which people interact the most and what theyโ€™re talking about. Itโ€™s also a great way to find relevant people to follow. The visualization runs right in your browser and displays data from Twitter. Mentionmap loads userโ€™s tweets and finds the people and hashtags they talked about the most. In this data visualization, mentions become connections and discussions between multiple users emerge as clusters.

29. Samepoint


SamePoint.com tracks millions of conversations, taking place across in blogs and social media sites. SamePoint converts discussions into web pages, or permalinks, and organizes them within a tag cloud. SamePoint can serve as the nexus where the conversations meet, providing a single place for all discussions on a specific topic.

30. Wildfire Social Media Monitor


Measure your performance. Glean insights about the growth of your social media fan base on the leading social networks. With daily tracking, you have visibility into growth trends small and large. Gauge your social media success against others in your industry by comparing your follower bases across the leading social networks. Alert system will inform you of meaningful trends and activity thatโ€™s relevant to your social presence.

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Author : Dustin Betonio


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