rating wordpress plugins

With WordPress rating plugins, you are able to provide a system by which visitors can review and rate products, posts and comments on your WordPress website. Instead of just reading the contents of the site, visitors will be able to evaluate and provide valuable feedback, not only to the website owners, but also to other users of the site. Plugins are excellent for adding new features to an existing website, but if you are planning a new one it is also worth considering WordPress review themes.

Here in this article, we are sharing with you some of the best WordPress rating plugins that you can use to integrate review and rating functionality into your website. Most of the plugins I have selected are free to use, but I have also included a few premium items to help you build top notch content rating websites. Check if any of them are appropriate for your needs and give us feedback. You are also welcome to suggest other rating WordPress plugins that we have not mentioned in this post.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.
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WP Customer Reviews


WP Customer Reviews allows your customers and visitors to leave reviews or testimonials of your services. Reviews are Microformat enabled (hReview).

GD Star Rating


GD Star Rating plugin allows you to set up rating and review system for posts, pages and comments in your blog. You can set many options for displaying the rating stars, and add widgets into the sidebars for displaying top ratings and other statistics generated by the plugin.

Creative Feedback Form with Voting System


Creative Feedback form is a new way to interact with site visitors gaining valuable feedback which can be rated by others users of site. – CodeCanyon Premium Plugin



WP PostRatings is a plugin that adds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress blog’s post/page.

Polldaddy Polls & Ratings


The Polldaddy Polls and Ratings plugin allows you to create and manage polls and ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. You can create polls, choose from 20 different styles for your polls, and view all results for your polls as they come in. All Polldaddy polls are fully customizable, you can set a close date for your poll, create multiple choice polls, choose whether to display the results or keep them private.

kk Star Ratings


kk Star Ratings allows blog visitors to involve and interact more effectively with your website by rating posts.

Rating Widget


The Rating-Widget Star Ratings WordPress plugin allows you to create and manage ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. You can embed thumb & star ratings into your posts, pages or comments.

Rate This Page Plugin


Rate This Page is a Wikipedia Article Feedback Tool like plugin where you can rate certain posts or pages of your blog.

Review Ratings


Easily insert star ratings for your movie or book reviews.

Simple Star Rating


The Simple Star Rating plugin for WordPress is a very simple-to-use star rating system that you can use anywhere in your blogs & pages by clicking on an additional button integrated in your content editor. – CodeCanyon Premium Plugin



WP-Polls is extremely customizable via templates and css styles and there are tons of options for you to choose to ensure that WP-Polls runs the way you wanted.

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Author : Sonny Day


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