Social Media Buttons and Icon Sets

Social media buttons are social triggers enabling your visitors to share your content with others in an easy yet powerful way. If you have not installed any kind of social media sharing buttons on your site, you will miss out on a significant opportunity to organically increase traffic to your site. If your content is adding value to your visitors then make it easy for them to share that content with others, which in time might increase site authority and number of visitors. You can easily install one of the many great WordPress social media plugins available to accommodate this and make social media sharing a part of your ongoing social media marketing strategy.

There are loads of buttons and icon sets available with equally many colour, shape and size variations making it fairly easy to find a design that complements your site layout and style. If you want to encourage people to share and like your content, it is essential to place the buttons in a consistent manner throughout your site and above the fold. This could be in the sidebar or as an unobtrusive social bar at the top or side of your articles making it a natural part of your site layout.

How many buttons to include depends on which social media platforms you are using as part of your marketing strategy. Making it easy for visitors to bookmark your content for later digestion should not be underestimated and adding a ‘follow us’ button on every page will also make it easier to get new followers potentially strengthening your brand recognition. Keeping the number of buttons low also ensures a clutter free and easy navigation.

Whether you want to replace your existing buttons or are just setting up your social media icons for the first time on your website, this collection of 40+ buttons is an excellent place to get inspiration. If you find this article useful, please feel free to share and like.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.

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Beautiful & Free Social Media Icons

Free Social Media buttons

This set includes thirty-five 32×32 icons in PNG and PSD format. You can use these icons however you like. There are absolutely no restrictions. This social media icon set includes icons for the following applications: Facebook, RSS, Twitter, Dribbble, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Evernote, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Digg, DeviantArt, Bebo, Flickr, Posterous, Blogger, WordPress, Delicious, SoundCloud, Yahoo, eMail, StumbleUpon, YouTube, MySpace,, DesignFloat, Orkut, Behance, Netvibes, Reddit, Forrst, Grooveshark, Path, Google Plus and Picasa.

MORE INFOby elegantthemes (Free)

Minimalist Social Button Pack

Minimalist Social buttons pack

Very nice set of clean and minimalist social media buttons in many different colors and sizes. Easy to edit in Photoshop.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

87+ Social Buttons

Mega pack of great buttons

Amazing Collection of beautifully crafted social web buttons for all types of websites. Easy to use, customize and change colors to your needs. Over 87 buttons in 3 different styles and 29 icons in 2 different styles and sizes that will rock your websites. Comes in various different styles and Fully Organized, Layered PSD file with all shapes.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Free Social Media Icon Set

More Nice Buttons for Your Website

Need some some social media icons? This collection from elegantthemes is aesthetically designed with simplicity in mind.

MORE INFOby elegantthemes (Free)

Share Social Button Pack

Share social buttons

Delicious social buttons set of 18 types of buttons.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Social and Web Buttons Pack

Web Buttons Pack

A collection of attractive social and web buttons perfect for your websites, blogs, portfolios and profile pages. Display your social networks and encourage connections. Quality buttons with transparent .PNG and layered .PSD file included.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

3D buttons – Layered PSD

3D buttons

Editable layered PSD of 3D buttons for Facebook, Twitter, google +, RSS , behance, dribbble, youtube and Vimeo. Created in PhotoShop CS5. Perfect to use for websites and blogs.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Retro Vintage Social and Web Buttons

Retro Vintage Socail buttons

A collection of vintage-style social and web buttons perfect for your websites, blogs, portfolios and profile pages. Vector shapes used making them resizable. Transparent .PNG and layered .PSD files are included in the download and are very easy to customize.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

26 Social Bookmark Tabs

Bookmark tabs

26 Social Bookmark Tabs specifically designed to

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Social Glass Buttons

Glass buttons

Wonderful social sharing icons and buttons with glass look – perfect for modern web site designs.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Social Buttons Pack

Nice set of buttons

Social Buttons are perfect for your websites, blogs, portfolios and profile pages. Social Buttons in one layered and named PSD file. File includes 17 social buttons in “link” and “hover” positions. Easy change size & color!

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Social Buttons Pack

Colorful website buttons

Social Buttons are perfect for your websites, blogs, portfolios and profile pages.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Custom Like Button

Like buttons

Use this in your web site if you want your Facebook like button look cool! The like button is designed to appear on HOVER .

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Socialize Social Button Kit

Best button kit

A clean collection of Social Media (web) Buttons perfect for use on your Website, Blog, Portfolio Pages and many more! Socialize features 106 unique Social Media buttons.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Dark Striped Social Buttons

Dark beautiful buttons

Dark striped social buttons exactly for your website and to get social! 2 sizes included with normal and hover buttons. They are easy to customize and to change icons and colors.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

3D Social Media Buttons

3D buttons[3]

Highly detailed, stylish set of 3D social media buttons for your web / app project. Fully scalable graphics and icons including Facebook and Twitter ready and waiting.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Social Media Buttons

Social icons

Nice, clean and minimalist social media icons meant to make sharing easy without any distracting elements or colors.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Web 2.0 Buttons, social icons & product showcase

Web 2.0 buttons

Website and internet Web 2.0 Buttons, both normal and rollover are included(except small button – no rollover state). buttons contains texts and icons. Social icons various social network icons for your blog or website. nicely designed in clean and fresh style.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Modern Social Buttons Pack

Modern Social Buttons

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Clean white round icon set vector web buttons

Simple and clean social buttons

Suitable for website design or any high resolution printing purposes. Full shape layers, which allows you to scale to any size if needed.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Application Download Buttons + Social Buttons

New hot buttons

This is a set of buttons that you can use as the download button of your application. You can also use these buttons to promote your social sites.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Social Networking Buttons

Social Networking Butons

12 social networking buttons + 12 corresponding hover transformations.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

3D Glass Buttons On Fire

3D Buttons on fire

High quality Buttons on fire. These buttons are highly customizable with optional fire, fire lights, reflections and optional drop shadow and ground lights. These buttons come in two variations one with fire and one without fire but more variations can be made. These buttons have 3D look and Tinted Glass finish.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

Clean & Colourful Web Elements

Colourful Web Buttons

A set of clean & colourful web elements in four colour variations.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

10 Social websites button

Social website button

You have 2 files psd with normal quality and high quality. About 10 buttons for biggest social websites with 3 styles: normal, hover and active.

MORE INFOby graphicriver (Premium)

33 Free Social Media Icons

Free social media icons

Somicro contains 33 icons covering most of the popular social networks out there. In the pack come 2 sets; one with a border and one without, totalizing 66 icons. It’s aim is to be used on the web, hence the small icon size. Just updated with new icons.

MORE INFOby Tina Mailhot-Roberge at Veodesign (Free)

Social Media Sleek Icons: Icon Pack

Sleek Media Icons

This free social media icon pack includes 25 sleek, modern and very usable social media/networking icons that can be used and downloaded (free of charge) in your work. Commercial work use is permitted. Use it on blogs, portfolios, web application interfaces, and so forth. The icons come in 2 sizes: 32×32px and 16×16px. Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, and Digg are but a few icons that are in this free social media icon pack.

MORE INFOby Supratim Nayak (Free)

Free Hand Drawn Doodle Icon Set for Bloggers

Handdrawn Icon Set

This set of free hand drawn doodle icons includes 14 graphics tailored specifically for bloggers. Including social media graphics for Delicious, Design Float, Digg, Facebook, StumbleUpon, Technorati and Twitter as well as commonly used icons such as RSS, Home, Comments, Contact and WordPress.

MORE INFOby Chris Spooner (Free)

Social Share Buttons Pack

Social share buttons pack

MORE INFOby Kim (Free)

Metro Social Media Icon Set

Metro Social Media Icon Set

Today we have a free set of 20 social media icons that can be used in your own website and blog designs. The icons come in 32 and 64 pixels (.png files).

MORE INFOby Kawsar Ali (Free)

Social Media Bubbles Icon Pack

Media Bubbles Icon Pack

These social media icons include 8 icons for the popular social media/networking sites including Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon. The PSD files are included for each icon in case you need to modify them yourself. The size of each icon is 250×250px, which is very big for icons so you might need to rescale them down to fit your needs.

MORE INFOby Kyle Prio (Free)


Retro buttons

A new free icon set consists of 25 icons, in 4 colors (pink, blue, grey & green), in 48×48px and 60×60px resolution.

MORE INFOby pinkmoustache (Free)

Hand drawn social media icons

Hand Drawn Icons

Stunning set of awesome hand drawn media icons.

MORE INFOby Marc-G (Free)

Free Stamp Social Network Icon – V2

Stamp Social Icons

In this icon set are included 32 creative noisy stamp icons in five different sizes. These icons you can use in grunge or nosy style blogs and website to share posts or show your social profiles. Icon set is free for all, so grab it and use for all your projects.

MORE INFOby absdostan (Free)

IC Minimal Icon Set

Minimal Icon Set

IC Minimal Icon Set includes 28 Icons in total all PNG & JPG format and a size of 64px – 64px.

MORE INFOby designdeck (Free)

Grunge Peeling Stickers Social Media Icons

Grunge Stickers

This Icon Pack is chuck full of 20 Grunge Peeling Social Media Stickers.

MORE INFOby tutorial9 (Free)

OLED social icons

OLED Social Icons

OLED style, like small displays. Basically, every icon is 16x16px OLED display, glowing dots & stuff.

MORE INFOby arrioch (Free)

15 Social Media Icons (PSD)

Nice and modern icons

Very nice and modern, and can be used on any color background.

MORE INFOby softarea (Free)

Social Paw Icons

Social Paw Icons

A new set of very cool social icons designed as paws.

MORE INFOby lunakia (Free)

Simple Social Icons

Simple Social Icons

A very nice set of icons to boost your results.

MORE INFOby slayerD1 (Free)

Furry Cushions Social Icons

Furry Cushions Social Icons

It’s that time of the year again, when you just need a furry cushion to help you socialize. A set of social cushions furry enough to last you all winter.

MORE INFOby cutelittlefactory (Free)

Social Media Circles Icon Set

Media Circles

This set includes Gmail, Pinterest, Forrst, Dribbble, Behance, and G+. StumbleUpon, The Web Blend and Posterous were updated to match their new branding.

MORE INFOby arbent (Free)

[exec]echo get_avatar( get_the_author_email(), ’80’ );[/exec]

Author : Carsten


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Tripwire Magazine
40+ Amazing Social Media Buttons and Icon Sets
Social Media Buttons and Icon Sets
Free Social Media buttons
Minimalist Social buttons pack
Mega pack of great buttons
More Nice Buttons for Your Website
Share social buttons
Web Buttons Pack
3D buttons
Retro Vintage Socail buttons
Bookmark tabs
Glass buttons
Nice set of buttons
Colorful website buttons
Like buttons
Best button kit
Dark beautiful buttons
3D buttons[3]
Social icons
Web 2.0 buttons
Modern Social Buttons
Simple and clean social buttons
New hot buttons
Social Networking Butons
3D Buttons on fire
Colourful Web Buttons
Social website button
Free social media icons
Sleek Media Icons
Handdrawn Icon Set
Social share buttons pack
Metro Social Media Icon Set
Media Bubbles Icon Pack
Retro buttons
Hand Drawn Icons
Stamp Social Icons
Minimal Icon Set
Grunge Stickers
OLED Social Icons
Nice and modern icons
Social Paw Icons
Simple Social Icons
Furry Cushions Social Icons
Media Circles
Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
themeforest banner
W creative Portfolio Theme Banner
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