As I was browsing Facebook earlier today I noticed that many business Pages do not show their opening hours – and some have not even an address or website visible. Though these Pages I came across were updated and it was clear that the managers spend quite some time posting new content, I was amazed of how many had non to few references as to where and when you can buy the products.

It seems to me like though many aim to use Facebook as an additional sales office they end up using it as an online billboard for a social media community they are in charge of. This community might have a lot of Fans, likes, comments and shares but they are all piled up in cyberspace. If you do not make sure to build bridges between you Facebook Page and your web shop or physical store all of these potential customers might never lead to any sale. – In your shop that is!

Dealing with people that are shopping online is somewhat ungrateful as they are more likely to “shop-around” until they find the best price online – they have no strings attached to the store and therefor no guilty feelings of not returning. However, there are ways to seal the deal before they even consider conducting a Google search. You need to make the product easy accessible!

Roughly 80 percent of B2C companies that are present on Facebook have acquired customers from Facebook at some point. This indicates that this media is a powerful tool for creating sale but in most cases you need to spend a small amount on advertising in order to get the most out of the potential. For good advices on how to set up a Facebook ad check out this article.

No matter the approach for luring people to your Page, you need to find ways to turn the Fans into customers. One of the ways to signal that you want to do business with your Facebook Fans, is by adding your opening hours on your Page. Though it might seem quite simple it is a great way to make it visible that you are not just yet another Facebook Page but a real shop where they can find the product they just saw on your Page.

I have made this easy to follow guide you can use if you want to add your business hours to your Facebook. It only takes a couple of minutes to implement and then you are up and running. Enjoy!

[exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(‘’);echo $filestr;[/exec]

1. Enter the “Edit Page” and choose “Update Public Info” in the drop down menu


2. Go to “Basic Information”


If you have not already clarified the category for your business your can do it here. If you run a local business e.g. art gallery you can choose the right settings here.

3. Click the “Add Hours”


If you have chosen a category which supports having business hours you will be able to fill in the hours here. You can choose between different hours every day, open always, same hours every day or no hours available at all.

4. This is how it looks on your Facebook Page


Keep in mind that if you choose to have your opening hours visible this way, your “About” box will automatically display your basic informations so make sure they are updated as well!

[exec]echo get_avatar( get_the_author_email(), ’80’ );[/exec]

Author : Anne-Sofie


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