With Photoshop, a few 3D skills and some creativity you can create amazing text effects that are useful in may types of design. In this post tripwire magazine have collected all the best tutorials to help you learn creating awesome 3D text effects.

There are several different types of effects each showcased with the expected result you will be able produce when following the tutorials. Hopefully you can find some new tricks to learn or just be inspired.

[exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(‘http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/googleadsensebelowmoretag.inc’);
echo $filestr;[/exec]

Unique 3D Text – Xara 3D + Photoshop Tutorial

This is tutorial is a good start as it shows you how to work in Xara 3D and give letters a 3d effect. Then it show you how to export from Xara 3D and get the text into Photoshop to do the final retouching.

3D Text Effexts

Fresh Typographic Effect

3D Text Effexts

New Way to Create 3D Text

3D Text Effexts

Using Typography from PS to Create a 3D Text Render in C4D

3D Text Effexts

Valentines Day Photoshop Style

3D Text Effexts

Stunning 3D Effect

3D Text Effexts

How to Create Explosive Typographic Effects in Cinema 4D

3D Text Effexts

Kaboom Exploding Text

3D Text Effexts

Awesome Milk Typography Effect in Photoshop

3D Text Effexts
3D Textured Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Create a 3D Text Scene Using Photoshop

3D Text Effexts

Retro Pop Style

3D Text Effexts

3D Text Effect 2

3D Text Effexts

3D Text on Fire

3D Text Effexts

Design Soft Stylized 3D Type

3D Text Effexts

3D Clif Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Glowing and Sparkling Intense Light 3D Logo

3D Text Effexts

Illustrator Tutorial – 3D lighted text effect

3D Text Effexts

How to Make 3D Neon Light Typography

3D Text Effexts

Stunning Neon Light 3D Typography

3D Text Effexts

Amazing Illustrator 3D Effects And PS Brush Creation

3D Text Effexts

Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop

3D Text Effexts

3D Typography in Photoshop

3D Text Effexts

Creating a Spectacular Flaming Meteor Effect on Text

3D Text Effexts

Create a Spectacular Style Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Hell of Tutorial in Photoshop

3D Text Effexts

Create a Dream Design with 3D Typography

3D Text Effexts

Papercraft Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Create a 3D Flowery Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Add Fantastic Color to 3D Text

3D Text Effexts

How To Create a Striking Typographic Illustration

3D Text Effexts

How to Create a Realistic 3D Stone Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

Create 3D Text with Some Extreme Lighting

3D Text Effexts

3D Text Effect in Photoshop (video)

3D Text Effexts

Transformers Effect

3D Text Effexts

3D Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

How to Create High Quality Metal 3D Text in Photoshop

3D Text Effexts

How to Quickly Create a Stylish Retro Text Effect

3D Text Effexts

3D Text effect

3D Text Effexts

3D Text

3D Text Effexts


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