photoshop manipulation

Magical effects can be created with the right skill, some experience and a tool like photoshop or just very creative ideas used when taking a photograph. I find this type og material quite interesting and inspiring. For this post I have browsed through DeviantArt category Photography > Abstract & Surreal > Abstract and picked fresh “Deviations” added within the last week or so. This means there’s a good chance that you have not seen any of these before and may end up getting inspired – at least I hope you will. A great thanks to the creative people making their awesome creations available on-line. Make sure you visit the originals if you like what you see and the profiles of the authors on DeviantArt as there are much more material waiting for you there!

[exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(‘’);
echo $filestr;[/exec]


photoshop manipulation

Magic cockleshell

photoshop manipulation


photoshop manipulation


photoshop manipulation

Lost and Found

photoshop manipulation

magic asteroidea

photoshop manipulation

color nymph

photoshop manipulation

The Fawn

photoshop manipulation

a kind of love

photoshop manipulation

Born Again

photoshop manipulation

When nobody can see

photoshop manipulation

looking inside

photoshop manipulation


photoshop manipulation


photoshop manipulation

The Wire

photoshop manipulation

If you want to browse hand picked wordpress themes made to showcase your own shots then go to our article about photography website templates. We also have a great article rounding up on 35 useful digital photography tips


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Tripwire Magazine
15+ Stunning Fresh Photographic Effects from DevianArt
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
photoshop manipulation
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