With a great looking and easy to manage WordPress slideshow plugin you can show off photos, illustrations, products etc. in a way that visitors gonna love. Website slideshows are made up of content, commonly nice images with some captions, that e.g. slide in from the side. Slideshow WordPress plugins typically offer a set of administration pages making it simple to upload and organize the image files to be part of the online slideshow.

On the page that visitors see there are various solutions to how slideshows look and work so, it is a good idea to check as many live demos as possible. Most plugins today are based on jQuery sliders and some even offer multiple transitions, navigation options and layout styles allowing you to test over time what works best on your site. Recently the more advanced slideshow solutions have introduced multiple layers, parallax effects, and unique caption effects (e.g. Ken Burns effects), and these in combination really makes your slideshows surface and stand out!

Check out the list below and see if you can find a cool WordPress slidershow plugin for your website. Let us know what your favorite is and if we missed it!

[exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(‘http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/googleadsensebelowmoretag.inc’);echo $filestr;[/exec]

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.

Slideshow Gallery – MORE INFO

Slideshow Gallery Feature content in a JavaScript powered slideshow gallery showcase.

Slideshow Gallery is one of the cool slideshow gallery plugins for adding a image showcase on a WordPress website. With this plugin you can easily display multiple galleries throughout your WordPress website displaying your custom added slides, slide galleries or showing slides from WordPress posts.

Lightspot Slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

Lightspot Slideshow is a useful WordPress plugin that allows you easy and fast to create and control image slider for your page header.

LAYERSLIDER WordPress Slideshow Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

LAYERSLIDER WordPress Slideshow Plugin With LayerSlider you can create awesome slideshow effects

With LayerSlider you can create awesome slideshow effects because you can set up as many layers and sublayers as you want. The way elements can be anymated and slide in and out individually creates a stunning effect. You should see the demo to experience this. You can also use unlimited images with links in the slideshows. The script is user-friendly, you can add global settings or local (per slide) settings to each layer or sublayer. Finally it is possible to change delay times, easing types, durations and much more.

WordPress Accordion banner rotator / slideshow – MORE INFO / DEMO

This is a cool WordPress banner and slideshow plugin. This plugin will allow your to showcase your products or services in an impressive manner. A lot of cool features will help you adjust the slideshow to your web page.

PhotoShow for WordPress – MORE INFO / DEMO


PhotoShow is a plugin for WordPress and jQuery that makes it easy to add elegant style to a WordPress photo gallery with with a simple shortcode ([photoshow]).

Cute Slider WP – 3D & 2D HTML5 WordPress Slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

Cute Slider WP is a cool premium CSS3 / HTML5 WordPress slider plugin which has been developed in a cooperation with Averta.

Slider Revolution Responsive slidershow Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

Slider Revolution Responsive slider Plugin Create a responsive (mobile friendly) or full width slider with awesome animation effects.

Create a responsive (mobile friendly) or full width slider with awesome animation effects. Customize this slider with our convenient drag&drop back-end to your very needs. This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.

NextGEN WordPress Slideshow and Gallery Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

NextGEN WordPress Slideshow is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress.

NextGEN Gallery is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with dozens of options and features. It also offers simple Integration of the great Monoslideshow. It features AJAX based thumbnail generator, JavaScript Effects on images, Fully integrated slideshow as jQuery or Flash solution, Tag support for images, support for XML Sitemaps and many other useful functions.

ESTRO – jQuery WordPress Slideshow – MORE INFO / DEMO

ESTRO – jQuery WordPress Slideshow “Estro” meaning “creativity”, “talent” or “inspiration”,

“Estro” meaning “creativity”, “talent” or “inspiration”, in Italian, is a fitting moniker for this beautiful slider. For the design of this slider we wanted to create a price of work which could form the centerpiece of your next web project. A starting point, who?s design and execution would inspire you and supercharge your own work.

Showbiz Pro Responsive Teaser WordPress Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

Showbiz Pro is a responsive teaser displaying solution that allows you to show WordPress Posts or any Custom Content with a set amount of teaser items.

Paradigm Slider WordPress Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

Paradigm Slider WordPress Plugin This is a really great looking slideshow plugin for WordPress with great options.

This is a really great looking slideshow plugin for WordPress with great options for adding nice captions to the slides. Touch swipe for iOS and Android mobile devices is of course included. So it works on every modern browser (including IE7 /8) and on mobile devices.

Lush – Content Slider for WordPress – MORE INFO / DEMO

Lush is a flexible content slider. It uses CSS3 native transition and animations to get the best performance taking advantage of the modern browser features, without lose functionality in older browsers.

WordPress UniSlider – MORE INFO / DEMO

WordPress UniSlider The WP UniSlider plugin adds an elegant and sleek slider feature to your pages.

The WP UniSlider plugin adds an elegant and sleek slider feature to your pages, You can use it as an images slideshow, or put any html content to slide. There are many features and options included, easy to customize and implement.

UnoSlider for WP – Responsive Touch Enabled Slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

UnoSlider is a jQuery content slider plugin with an unlimited transition animations (really, unlimited!) and a wide range of a features like touch enabled, mobile optimized interface, animated layers,responsiveness and a lot of other features.

KenBurner WordPress Slideshow Plugin – MORE INFO / DEMO

KenBurner WordPress Slideshow Plugin WordPress slideshow plugin offers the combination of Ken Burns Effect.

This WordPress slideshow plugin offers the combination of Ken Burns Effect, state-of-the-art Slider and Text Animations. You can customize your slideshows with the drag&drop backend to fit your needs. It is possible to give each slider some captions to deliver the message effectively.

vSlider Multi Image Slideshow Plugin for WordPress – MORE INFO / DEMO

vSlider Multi Image Slideshow Plugin for WordPress is a wordpress image slider plugin where you can host multiple image sliders

vSlider is a wordpress image slider plugin where you can host multiple image sliders and upto 20 slides per slider. Create unlimited vSliders throughout the site or on the same page, each with different styling and image transition options. 9 Image transition effects, 4 Slide layouts, Auto resize images, image caching and quality.

3D Content Slideshow for WordPress – MORE INFO / DEMO

3D Content Slideshow for WordPress is based on jQuery Featured 3D Slider plugin.

F3D WordPress Slider is based on jQuery Featured 3D Slider plugin that converts static HTML content into a 3D stage with smoothly moving objects. The effect is simply amazing and I have not seen it in other WordPress slideshow plugins so far. Check the demo to experience the cool 3D effect.

ROYAL SLIDER – Touch Content Slideshow for WordPress – MORE INFO / DEMO

ROYAL SLIDER – Touch Content Slideshow for WordPress

RoyalSlider for WordPress is a cross-device jQuery content slideshow plugin with touch-based navigation and responsive layout. It has user-friendly admin area where you can manage slides, change slider settings, customize interface and add blocks-captions using custom WYSIWIG editor.

Smooth Slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

Smooth Slider is a free WordPress Plugin for creating a dynamic slideshow.

Smooth Slider is a free WordPress Plugin for creating a dynamic slideshow for featured posts on a website or blog. The slideshow created by Smooth Slider are JavaScript and Text based, that’s why bloggers and site owners will get full benefit of Search Engine Optimization as the texts are readable by Search Engine.

WordPress 360º Image Slider – MORE INFO / DEMO

Wordpress 360º Image Slider is a highly configurable plugin that adds slider functionality to your posts.

The WP 360 º Image Slider is a highly configurable plugin that adds slider functionality to your posts or pages. The mouse over columns effect is cool and not something I have seen before.

[exec]echo get_avatar( get_the_author_email(), ’80’ );[/exec]

Author : Lars Vraa


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Tripwire Magazine
20+ Great WordPress Slideshow Plugins
Slideshow Gallery Feature content in a JavaScript powered slideshow gallery showcase.
LAYERSLIDER WordPress Slideshow Plugin With LayerSlider you can create awesome slideshow effects
Slider Revolution Responsive slider Plugin Create a responsive (mobile friendly) or full width slider with awesome animation effects.
NextGEN WordPress Slideshow is a full integrated Image Gallery plugin for WordPress.
ESTRO – jQuery WordPress Slideshow “Estro” meaning “creativity”, “talent” or “inspiration”,
Paradigm Slider WordPress Plugin This is a really great looking slideshow plugin for WordPress with great options.
WordPress UniSlider The WP UniSlider plugin adds an elegant and sleek slider feature to your pages.
KenBurner WordPress Slideshow Plugin WordPress slideshow plugin offers the combination of Ken Burns Effect.
vSlider Multi Image Slideshow Plugin for WordPress is a wordpress image slider plugin where you can host multiple image sliders
3D Content Slideshow for WordPress is based on jQuery Featured 3D Slider plugin.
ROYAL SLIDER – Touch Content Slideshow for WordPress
Smooth Slider is a free WordPress Plugin for creating a dynamic slideshow.
Wordpress 360º Image Slider is a highly configurable plugin that adds slider functionality to your posts.
Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
themeforest banner
W creative Portfolio Theme Banner
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