Word cloud generators are popular online tools.

They can map data, such as, words and tags in a visual and engaging way. They come with different features and fonts and with a variety of shape, layout and editing capabilities.

These online tools have pros and cons and some work faster than others. You will even be able to find an awesome, free word cloud generator. Therefore, good research is recommended before you choose the best one for your needs.

A word cloud is a modern way to visualize the keywords or tags from any piece of writing e.g. blog posts or an educational text. A word cloud generator usually works like this: the more frequently a word appears in the text, the larger and bolder it appears in the word cloud. Above you see an example of a word cloud created using Tagxedo.

You can use word Clouds in presentations, in eye-catching images on your website or maybe as your cover photo on a social media site. Word clouds are also frequently used for educational purposes and some companies have word clouds printed and displayed in large format. It is also common to see word clouds used on promotional items such as shirts, bags, mugs, etc.

Note: If you like logos, and the way good ones turn simple words into gorgeous typographic expressions, make sure to check out the thousands of fully-licensed premium logo templates found over at Envato Market. 

Below you will find a list of useful word cloud generators to help you find the right one for your needs. Please leave a comment below to let us know what you think and remember to share the article with your friends.

[exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(‘http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/googleadsensebelowmoretag.inc’);echo $filestr;[/exec]



This is also a word cloud generator that allows you to easily create a customized cloud. It is possible to choose from a wide range of fonts, themes and shapes.



Word Cloud Generator is a free tool for generating useful word clouds. You will have different options to customize you cloud. The layout algorithm for positioning words without overlap is available on GitHub under an open source license as d3-cloud.



Wordle is a popular word cloud generator and for a reason. You can generate awesome results and you can print them or save to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends or co-workers. No log-in or email required.



Tagxedo is an awesome word cloud generator. It can generate visually stunning word clouds in a snap. It has a lot of useful features and a fast cloud generation time. You will have a lot of customization options and it allows you to save “word clouds” as PNG and JPG image files.

tagCloud generator


tagCloud is a online word cloud generator. It generates a tag cloud in html and flash if you provide an URL to a webpage.



ABCya is a easy to use word cloud generator that will allow font change, color change, and a randomized layout. It does not require email or log in.



Tagul is nice word cloud generator for web designers who want to have awesome looking clouds on their website. It features custom fonts, cloud shapes, colors, etc. and has a fancy look. Requires a log in with email.



ToCloud is a free word cloud generator. It uses word frequency as the weight. Hence, the generated word cloud of a page gives a quick understanding of how the page is optimized for certain words.



WordItOut allow you to easily transform your text into word clouds and to save and share them. This tool will create word clouds from any text pasted into the text box.The word clouds can be customized by size, font, and color scheme.



TagCrowd is a easy to use online tool for visualizing word frequencies in any text. It will create a word cloud, text cloud or tag cloud.



This word cloud generator from Stanford University has a lot of useful features for analyzing a text, but it does not have a lot of fancy visual effects. It is e.g. used be students to have words listed by how common or rare they are in a text.



This is also a powerful online tool that allows students to analyze words in a text. VocabGrabber has some useful features for students. It will automatically create a list of vocabulary from the text, which can be sorted, filtered, and saved.

You Are Your Words


This is a fun and cool online tool that will combine words and a real picture that you upload.



With this simple, online word cloud generator you can easily create word clouds and send them to your friends.

Thank you for visiting Tripwire Magazine.

Author : Alex Naz


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