I am sure you have noticed that e-Commerce has become mobile and for a good reason. More and more customers expect their vendors to support their mobile buying needs. As e-commerce websites tend to be crowded with grids of products and offers it is not a simple task to make them fit well into a small screen on a mobile device. This means that web designers need to think out of the box and often design responsive layouts with unique designs for the most common screen sizes.

One of the most popular options for creating a responsive web shop is to use popular platforms such as WordPress, OpenCart and Magento. Most of the new themes and templates released in this space have good responsive capabilities and will give you a head start in your project.

I have found more than 20 good examples of how to make e-commerce websites responsive and mobile friendly. I hope this will inspire you and give you new ideas.

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Salt Surf – MORE INFO


Salt Surf is a responsive e-commerce website that uses large images as background on the front page. The online store takes a simple approach to responsiveness and switch between a 4-column layout and a single column layout.

Currys – MORE INFO

Currys is a responsive site, uses image slideshow to showcase their products

Currys is a responsive e-commerse site with different design style to show products and offers on various screen sizes. The image slideshow used to showcase their products scale, but the products grids either change design or use a single column.

Skinny Ties – MORE INFO

Skinny Ties is very simple yet shows great e-commerce style.

This website is very simple yet shows great e-commerce style. Uses ties for their unique navigations. The product listings use 3 columns for desktops, 2 columns on tablet size and one column on small screens.

Suit Supply – MORE INFO

Suit Supply is a grid-based responsive e-commerce site

Suit Supply is a grid-based, responsive e-commerce site. Showcasing image slideshow for their best suits.


Nixon is a responsive site that uses big images for background

Nixon is a responsive site that uses big images for background. On the homepage, you have the option to choose in which category you would like to go, men or women.

A Book Apart – MORE INFO

A Book Apart is an e-commerce book site

It is an e-commerce book site. Very minimal and simple design, it is also responsive.


Nuts has cute deisng with nut drawings on the site

Nuts has cute design with nut drawings on the site. Navigations are easy to be found and a very responsive site.

Snickers – MORE INFO

Snickers is a grid based web design and showing slideshows of image on the homepage

Snickers is a grid-based web design and showing slideshows of image on the homepage. Very good example for e-commerce site.


Sugru is a responsive e-comemrce site using grids to showcase products

Sugru is a responsive e-commerce site using grids to showcase their product. Simple and minimal website.

Kershaw – MORE INFO

Kershaw is a responsive e-commerce site with unique way of image slideshow

Kershaw is a responsive e-commerce site with unique way of image slideshows, other than the usual left-right, this one has up and down.

United Pixel Workers – MORE INFO

United Pixel Workers is a responsive e-commerce site

Burton – MORE INFO

Burton is a responsive e-commerce site

Starbucks – MORE INFO

Starbucks is a responsive e-commerce site

Cocosa – MORE INFO

Cocosa is a responsive e-commerce site

Hiut Denim – MORE INFO

Hiut Denim is a responsive e-commerce site


XXL is a resposnive e-commerce site


VSCO is a responsive e-commerce site

Indochino – MORE INFO

Indochino is a responsive e-commerce site

Fit for a Frame – MORE INFO

Fit for a Frame is a responsive e-commerce site

Kiwi Bank – MORE INFO

Kiwi Bank is a responsive e-commerce site

Tattly – MORE INFO

Tattly is a resposnive e-commerce site

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Author : Lars Vraa


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Tripwire Magazine
20+ Amazing Responsive E-Commerce Websites Examples
Currys is a responsive site, uses image slideshow to showcase their products
Skinny Ties is very simple yet shows great e-commerce style.
Suit Supply is a grid-based responsive e-commerce site
Nixon is a responsive site that uses big images for background
A Book Apart is an e-commerce book site
Nuts has cute deisng with nut drawings on the site
Snickers is a grid based web design and showing slideshows of image on the homepage
Sugru is a responsive e-comemrce site using grids to showcase products
Kershaw is a responsive e-commerce site with unique way of image slideshow
United Pixel Workers is a responsive e-commerce site
Burton is a responsive e-commerce site
Starbucks is a responsive e-commerce site
Cocosa is a responsive e-commerce site
Hiut Denim is a responsive e-commerce site
XXL is a resposnive e-commerce site
VSCO is a responsive e-commerce site
Indochino is a responsive e-commerce site
Fit for a Frame is a responsive e-commerce site
Kiwi Bank is a responsive e-commerce site
Tattly is a resposnive e-commerce site
Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
themeforest banner
W creative Portfolio Theme Banner
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