With the right jQuery menu plugin your website visitors may get the best and most dynamic navigation available. jQuery is a lightweight, cross-browser compliant, incredibly awesome and extremely powerful JavaScript framework (library) that emphasizes and simplifies...
Top 10 Best JavaScript and jQuery Books that Beginners should Read
There are many ways to learn new topics today, but good old printed books are still great for getting started and finding the peace for true immersion. I find that reading a printed book allows me to get away from the many disturbing elements constantly popping up on...
15 Cool jQuery Modal Plugins
There are many situations where jQuery modal plugins can be useful for guiding the visitors focus to a specific piece of content. Basically a modal window is a kind of pop-up window that have been embedded into a web page and therefore appears without the need for a...
50+ Useful jQuery Image Slider Roundup
jQuery image slider and have become increasingly popular ingredients in web pages over the last year or so. Main reason for this is that image sliders are very powerful for featuring top content in a visual and...
10+ Useful jQuery Pagination Plugins and Tutorials
jQuery Pagination plugins are scripts that you can integrate on your website to split pages and posts into several pages. Website pagination can be done two ways. By using, a plugin that divides the data into several pages after it is loaded into the page, or by using...
15 Great Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins
Responsive jQuery slider plugins are great for adding slider effects to responsive websites and templates. As you will see below there are some really good options available. Lately responsive web design have been one of the most talked about and hot topics and it is...
10 Powerful jQuery Web Typography Plugins
Typography plays an important role in most aspects of design where a message needs to be delivered. This is also true for where converting visitors effectively into leads and customers is business critical....
14 Great jQuery and HTML5 Audio Player Showcase
Playing audio on a website using a jQuery or HTML5 audio player is a great way to reach your visitors. There are many reasons why you would want to play audio on your website. Some [link id='110451' text='fullscreen websites use audio to create a certain mood or feel...
15+ Useful jQuery Datepicker Roundup
A easy to use jQuery datepicker is essential for user experience when building complex forms with date input. Not only because it is faster for visitors but also because entering dates is not trivial at all. Date formats are different and there is a potential risk...
20 Useful jQuery Notification Plugins and Tutorials
I think jQuery notification plugins have a very crucial potential in enhancing user experience for website visitors. The power of these scripts are oftentimes unnoticed, you see a jQuery notification plugin can be used...