40 Amazing Photoshop Light Effect Tutorials

Photoshop light effect tutorials are great to turn to when you work on designs with fiery or glowing effects. If you need inspiration or tips, tricks and techniques they great time savers. There are many different way to use glowing or light effect in your designs and...

50+ Useful Photoshop Circular Brushes

Circular design elements are used in many creative designs. I like to use the brush tool in Photoshop (B) and with a large collection of Photoshop Circular brushes; it is possible to add any kind of circular shape in seconds. There are many different types of circular...

40+ Great Photoshop Feather Brushes for Designers

Photoshop brushes are useful for graphic artists because they speed up of the process of adding custom shapes and objects on their designs. Instead of creating the design elements from scratch, you can find high quality brushes for the Photoshop Brush tool (B) in...

65+ Photoshop Crack Brushes – Add Cool Cracking Effects

The Photoshop Brush Tool (B) is one of my personal favorites and probably one of the most powerful weapons graphic designers have in the arsenal. The brush tool can be equipped with tons of high quality brushes that you can use to add all kinds of effects and design...

Smoking Hot Photoshop Bullet Hole Brushes

Photoshop bullet hole brushes can be applied to many types of designs if used with caution. Obvious examples are wanted and action movie posters. However a good bullet hole brush can be used creatively with to add cowboy style or...

35+ Stunning Photoshop Fractal Brush Sets

Photoshop fractal brush sets are great for adding energy, motion effect and bringing designs to life. Some fractal brushes also have the ability to create an amazing explosive effect is used correctly and with fire coloring. I would say that factals have many use...

30 Brilliant Photoshop Fireworks Brushes

Fireworks dates back to 7th century China, where people used it to accompany festivities. Over the centuries the tradition of using fireworks for special occasions, have spread throughout the world making fireworks a synonym with celebration, fun and joy. Worldwide...

135+ Photoshop Tutorials: Learn Awesome Photoshop Effects

This is a massive collection of tutorials showing you how to create amazing Photoshop effects. It is amazing what you can do in tools like Photoshop. In most cases, learning new techniques and skills is essential even though it is from a tutorial that is not directly...

45+ Amazing Animal Photo Manipulation

Most photos we see in printed magazines, ads etc. have been manipulated one way or the other. This could be anything like removing skin impurities, making people look more skinny and even removing someone from a photo. The use of professional photo manipulation is...

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