Everybody knows how critical a website for a company while trying to establish a web presence. What a lot of people often overlook though, is the prelude to a website i.e. the coming soon page also called the launch page or the under constructionpage.
Using a coming soon page is a great way to tide over your visitors until you finish your new website and maybe to pick up an email. They can be used as a teaser for your future website, or places to simply put your information where people can get to it while you are under digital construction or renovation. Here are 45 Cool and Unique Examples of Coming Soon Page Designs. You should also check these awesome pre-designed under construction templates.
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2. madCat coming soon page
3. SpaceRabbit
4. Brandfunda
5. Busted paper
8. Potatomice
9. So sozial
10. Double shot
11. Moses Mehraban
12. Dunemis
13. Boagworld
15. Enstore
16. Just a Love
18. Luke’s Beard
19. Watcher
20. Gimmr
21. Handsome and Gorgeous Clothing
22. The Republic
23. chocolatepool
24. Birdboxx
25. Creative Joomla! Design Book
26. ChkChkBoom
27. Lilly’s Table
28. Chuck Barrett
29. Dialed Tone coming soon page
30. Evert Slagter
32. DesignSvn
33. Johnny Walker Plumbing coming soon page
34. Designtr
35. I am DJ Mos
36. In House Grind
37. Zombie Corp
38. Gigdom
39. Holeycoww
40. Recallcast coming soon page
41. Bored brothers
42. Abcdrs
43. Rouse
44. Css3 buttons
45. Equili
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Dustin Betonio is a Translation Management graduate at University of Mindanao. His earlier career was devoted on customer service outside the information highway. Currently studying Law in the same University.
Amazing coming soon pages indeed!
Just found another one very unique coming soon page which is worth to be on that list too. It has very well balanced colors and it looks stunning . Check it out!
[…] 45 Cool and Unique Examples of Coming Soon Page Designs […]
[…] 45 Cool and Unique Examples of Coming Soon Page Designs – tripwire magazine – […]
I AM DJ MOS, No.35 is my favourite, though means you have to meet the deadline!
This one is pretty cool. http://www.nordicthemes.com
It is for sure colorful
These are great! Thanks for the round up. You know what they say “first impressions always stay” so a coming soon page is just as important as the page itself
Kayson you are right about “first impressions always stay”. And it is even more important when you are not dressed fully up yet
Nice collection can’t wait to see their websites when they are done
excellent listings. i would like to learn from your sharing. thanks very much , god bless you.