40+ Great Lettering Examples On Hand Painted Signs

The art of making hand painted signs with beautiful lettering is slowly vanishing. Right now, almost every aspect of graphic design has been taken over by the digital media.  With powerful graphic software like Photoshop and Illustrator, it is now possible to create...

20+ Awesome Responsive Joomla Templates

With the current supply of quality responsive Joomla templates I would say that the popular and powerful open source publishing platform have entered the mobile era. Responsive design have been one of the hottest web design topics throughout 2012 and we have seen an...

20+ Great Sets of Free Photoshop Hair Brushes

One of the most difficult things to draw or manipulate on a computer is human hair. Making it look realistic is a tough job and require serious skills and lots of time. A great way however to work effectively with hair in Photoshop is simply to use Photoshop hair...

50+ Amazing Free and Premium Flyer Templates

Flyer templates can be used for inspiration and for speeding up the process of creating great looking flyers that catch peoples attention. A flyer can be a great advertising tool to promote a business, product or any activity relevant to an audience not reachable...

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Tripwire Magazine
35 Beautiful Mountain Logo Designs for Inspiration
30 Great WordPress Themes With Useful Page Templates
40+ Great Lettering Examples On Hand Painted Signs
40 Creative Light Bulb Logo Designs
14 Great jQuery and HTML5 Audio Player Showcase
20+ Awesome Responsive Joomla Templates
20+ Great Sets of Free Photoshop Hair Brushes
45 Beautiful Abstract Logo Designs for Inspiration
50+ Amazing Free and Premium Flyer Templates
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