50+ Online CSS Tools for Web Developers and Designers

For web developers and designers CSS is like a second native language. If your not mastering it you're not able to do what is expected by customers and it will be a to time consuming and frustrating process to place all the page elements in the right spot. In the...

30+ Experimental Human Photo Manipulations

Manipulating images and photos has become common praxis these days and it is hard to know what is real and what is fake if professionals have created the manipulation. Just as example we can be sure that people in ads for perfume or on the front page of large...

25+ Experimental Typography Showcases For Your Inspiration

We all know it - "A picture is worth a thousand words". This is certainly true in most cases but clever use of typography can also turn words into pictures and then interesting things start to happen. Some people experiment with the idea of turning typography into art...

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Tripwire Magazine
170+ Excellent Fresh Logo Inspiration Showcase
50+ Online CSS Tools for Web Developers and Designers
Truly Useful Form Validation Scripts for Front End Development
Most Essential Tips for Improving Response Time of Your WordPress Blog
Toolkit with 6 Awesome jQuery User Interface components
20+ Awesome jQuery Compilations of Plugins, Tutorials and Cheat Sheets
30+ Experimental Human Photo Manipulations
25+ Experimental Typography Showcases For Your Inspiration
25+ Tools, Cheat Sheets and Inspiration for Designers working with Color Themes
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