jQuery is not a new subject here on tripwire magazine but lets try something new. In this post I have listed some of the best “Mega Posts” I know showcasing hundreds of plugins just...
Apache HTTP Server (usually just Apache) has been the most popular web server in the Internet for more than a decade, with millions of installations serving up a huge portion of the World Wide Web....
MySQL is a very feature rich relational database management system (RDBMS) which has more than 11 million active installations and 60,000+ downloads/day. MySQL is commonly known to be an open source...
Regular expressions (“regex’s” for short) are sets of symbols and syntactic elements used to match patterns of text and they are pretty powerful. Regular expressions have been...
Animated sliding effects can if not used wrong or to much add excellent dynamics and uniqueness to websites. They are often seen as components that give access to multiple featured articles in an...