With Tumblr portfolio themes, you can set up a cool portfolio website really quick and be part of the huge success Tumblr experience in the creative blogging space.

Tumblr started out as a hosted micro blogging platform allowing anyone to publish short updates online. The service have drawn a lot of attention and today Tumblr users created more than 100 million blogs. Many of these blogs focus on creative and visual posts making Tumblr a true treasure for finding inspiration in areas such as photography, art, design etc.

Tumblr was designed to be a microblogging platform and this makes it great for quickly posting short text posts, videos, images, quotes and even audio sequences. Like Blogger.com, I believe one of the important features you get with Tumlr is that users can follow other users. This makes Tumlr a kind of social blogging experience and works well for driving traffic on young blogs that post relevant and high quality content. Another extremely popular platform for setting up online portfolios is WordPress. The availablity of WordPress portfolio themes is amazing and you will be able to find more types of themes compared to Tumblr. Check my collection of some of the best themes for setting up a WordPress portfolio website.

In this post, you will find a collection of Tumblr themes for portfolios and I am sure you will be able to find one that suits your needs.
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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.

Bloq – A Blocky Portfolio Theme for Tumblr – MORE INFO / DEMO


BLOQ is an stylish, blocky portfolio theme for designers and creatives. It features two different layout modes, a filterable portfolio grid, a touch optimized image slider, dark and light preset skins to get you started, and much more!

Supple – A Portfolio Theme for Tumblr – MORE INFO / DEMO


SUPPLE is a versatile portfolio theme for Tumblr by Pixel Moxie. SUPPLE is aimed at creatives—designers, illustrators, photographers, video artists—and allows users to display their work in a grid-like fashion, flexibly enough to define the aspect ratio of thumbnails: from landscape to portrait, including square and anything in between.

Gridly – Reponsive Portfolio Template – MORE INFO / DEMO


Gridly is a light & simple template that comes with lots of options and functions to show content in style. It is fully responsive and features a beautiful and easy to use post filter system. Gridly supports all tumblr post types and has built in Disqus commenting support along with social sharing.

Focus – A Minimalistic Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Focus is a minimalistic and adaptive Tumblr theme aimed at presenting your content, to any device, without clutter. Easy to change colours and background images as well as support for Disqus, Flickr, Twitter, Dribbble and Google Analytics. This theme gives a tailored view to each device (Android, iPhone, iPad, Desktop, etc) that visits it and only serves the content that is required, helping to speed up delivery of your site.

MetroFolio – Clean Portfolio Style Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


MetroFolio is a clean portfolio style Tumblr theme made for creatives out there, whether you be a graphic designer or product designer. It’s been made to have a portfolio look for a professional presentation of your work. However, take note that this theme only supports photo posts, photoset posts and video posts.

Time Goes Back: A Tumblr Portfolio Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


TGB is a clean and functional Tumblr portfolio. It is grid based, has perfect vertical rhythm, clean, minimal and has 3 custom pages: Portfolio, Contact & About page.

Vision Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Vision Tumblr Theme is perfect for a freelancer, agency or business portfolio. Vision features a snippet of the posts content on the home page so more can be seen at one time. It’s so easy to install it only takes a minute with the help of my instructions file and video walk through. Features include Image Slider with Image Preview, Endless Scrolling and Twitter Integration.

FLAT – Responsive Business Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


FLAT is a minimal and clean multipurpose business theme for blogging system – Tumblr. You can easily change the overall view of the theme – you can show or hide theme elements: image slider, featured icon boxes, module with text with button, product box (long text + image), team, testimonials, clients logos, twitter feed widget. You can also change colors for most of theme elements.FLAT supports following post types: text, photo, photoset, audio, video, quote, AMA, chat and link. It is also a fully responsive web design for all devices and screen resolutions.

Mason – A Masonry Inspired Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Mason is an adaptive Tumblr theme aimed at presenting your content, to any device, in a masonry based view. Users can quickly view your posts, view them in the detail, and go back to where they were.Highly customisable, with support for Disqus, Twitter and Google Analytics. This theme gives a tailored view to each device (Android, iPhone, iPad, Desktop, etc) that visits it and only serves the content that is required, helping to speed up delivery of your site.

Pop Gallery Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Pop Gallery is a Tumblr theme for visual portfolios, galleries, handcrafts shops, with the unique possibility to present distinct thumbnails for new, sold and reserved items. It has a beautiful and clean design with circular thumbnails.

Ellisium – A Business Minded Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Ellisium is a business minded Tumblr theme. Having a clean and open layout suitable for a corporate blog, ELLISIUM is the perfect companion for your company’s main website. It packs a very customizable homepage slider, that gracefully adapts to smaller screens—the perfect way to present your products or introduce your services. You can display up to four services blocks on the homepage, with a choice of bitmap or webfont icons. It also comes with “call to action” and “page hero” sections to round-up your homepage, a smart sticky sidebar and much, much more.

Gallera – MORE INFO / DEMO


“Gallera” is a clean and elegant gallery theme with subtle grunge background texture and custom typography. It’s best suited for photographers, artists and designers who want to showcase their work in the best possible way, but can be used as a web gallery or any other site where images take central part.

Litefolio – portfolio theme for Tumblr – MORE INFO / DEMO


Clean and minimalistic portfolio theme with jQuery slider for designers, photographers and illustrators. The theme comes with 30+ theme options for easy customization. Besides the usual Tumblr options for switching theme colors and fonts, there are lots of additional possibilities – you can upload your own logo or background image, write your own intro text, upload images for the slider, and many more. However, the theme supports only Photo and Text types of posts. Video, Links, Quotes, Chat and Audio are not supported.

Optic Responsive Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Optic is a responsive Tumblr theme perfect for any blog type featuring the Masonry jQuery plugin. Showcase your artwork with complete focus on the post.Optic comes packed full of jQuery awesomeness and shows your posts in all their glory. Pick colors for any part of the theme so you can fully customise it the way you want.  Pick your favorite font from the Google fonts library and add it in using the themes options panel. The themes only image is the logo and the images you post it’s completely CSS.

Agency – Responsive Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Agency is a beautifully minimalistic multi­purpose theme, free from gimmick and trend, making your talent the focal point of your portfolio. Present your work in a professional manner with a timeless design.

Athens Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Athens theme is perfect for normal blogging, portfolio, entertainments and everything you want to use it for. This theme is useful because is customizable and responsive. With the responsive layout which the template has, it is really easy to interact. It is easy to work with it when one uses Smart Phone, Tablet or desktop computer. It comes for three resolutions, which means it will come in 4, 3, 2 or 1 column depends on the screen resolution one is using.

The Catalog Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


The Catalog is a simple yet very complete Tumblr Theme focused on getting all your photos, text, videos, audio in a catalog-like format. All posts are showed as thumbnails and you can see more by clicking them. It’s a responsive theme that works well in different screen sizes. It has a slider that fetches posted photos based on a special tag.

Cleanfolio – A Clean Tumblr Portfolio Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Cleanfolio is a premium tumblr portfolio theme designed to be as clean as possible in order to let your work take the stage. It is suitable for all kind of creative portfolios as well as for small businesses. Areas of the theme that you an change are the Slider , the Punchline , the Custom section and the Twitterfeed.

Capital – Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Capital theme is a Tumblr theme that supports all post types with infinite scroll, upload Header Image and custom photo over options. It is also Disqus Comments and Google Analytics Ready.

PULIRE – Responsive Multipurpose Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Pulire is a clean multipurpose, minimal theme for blogging system – Tumblr. You can easily change the overall view of the theme. The variety of custom options makes it a flexible theme – use it as your personal blog, corporate website or as a portfolio. You can customize it for your needs: change logo image, place your own photos in main slider, change background (image or color). PULIRE supports following post types: text, photo, photoset, audio, video, quote, AMA, chat and link. It is a fully responsive web design for all devices.

Mars Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Clean and responsive magazine-style Tumblr theme. Comes with pre-defined dark and light themes. It’s responsive and mobile-friendly with its Photoset slider , responsive video and widgets such Twitter feed, Flickr feed, Disqus Comments  and Google Analytics.

Photographica Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Photographica is a portfolio Tumblr theme aimed for photographers and other creative professionals. It’s versatile and easy to customize. It has Customizable navigation (based on tags), Google Analytics ready as well as for Social sharing: Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

Luomo – A Responsive & Expressive Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Luomo is an expressive, responsive Tumblr theme. It is also designed to display your media at large sizes in big style, giving you great control over each post color palette. With Luomo, you can tailor each post to complement the way your content looks and feels. It adapts to the screen size of the device you’re using to view—your content will look awesome on any device.

Museo – A Bold Tumblr Portfolio Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Museo is a Bold & Beautiful Responsive Tumblr Portfolio Theme. This theme is intended for creative people with an image based portfolio, like photographers or webdesigners. As such it only supports the photo, photoset and video post types. Please do not purchase this theme if you need any other post types.

Pierre – A Super Clean Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO / DEMO


Pierre is a super clean Tumblr theme aimed at making your content the center of attention. Included is scalable typography and support for most social media types.Easy to customise with support for Disqus, Flickr, Twitter, Dribbble, Instagram, Google Adsense and Google Analytics. This theme gives a tailored view to each device (Android, iPhone, iPad, Desktop, etc) that visits itdelivery of your site and only serves the content that is required, helping to speed up .

Cor – A Fresh Tumblr Theme – MORE INFO /


Cor is a super-responsive, adaptive and fresh Tumblr theme. It is highly customizable and it is easy to navigate trough the posts. Almost everything can be changed, and of course it is written in the newest standards of HTML5 and CSS3

Free Tumblr Portfolio themes

Chapel Road – MORE INFO / DEMO


Chapel Road is a minimal, three-column theme, powered by Masonry and Infinite Scroll. Appearance options include Background image and color, Header image, Title size and color, Text color and Black and white images.

Justinfied – MORE INFO / DEMO


Justinfied is a theme that places content in the center of the browser window and adjusts to any screen size. Posts are sized and positioned based on their heights and are continuously paginated with infinite scroll. The fixed footer keeps relevant and important links on screen no matter where you are on the blog.

hasaportfolio  MORE INFO / DEMO


hasaportfolio is a free theme that turns your tumblr into a portfolio.

Star-Aurora  MORE INFO / DEMO


Star-Aurora is a simple grid theme with a header and menu – built on Masonry and Infinite Scroll.

Tumblofolio MORE INFO / DEMO


Tumblofolio is a Tumblr portfolio theme exclusively hand crafted for those whole wanted to show their work or photo gallery in the most authentic and in the best possible way. Some of the features of the theme : Support Photo, photoset and video post, Responsive Layout  and Photo slider.



Escape is a Tumblr portolio. The theme is able to fit the posts on to the screen regardless of size. If you resize the screen the posts will move around to fit perfectly on the web page.

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Author : Lars Vraa


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