CODE Tips #1: How to Create Fixed Navigation

Typically navigation menus follow the content and move up when the page is scrolled just to disappear. While this is pretty much seen all over the Internet some site use fixed position for their navigation. This may be good for user experience as the main navigation...

85+ Cool jQuery Effects Roundup

jQuery effects are used more or less all over the Internet today. Just a few years ago Flash was dominating the scene for interactive and dynamic websites. The arrival of JavaScript libraries like jQuery have made it a lot easier to do advanced stuff with JavaScript,...

30 Useful Newsletter Design Showcases

Using newsletter as a strategy is good for more reasons and a good newsletter design is a perfect starting point. It's important to make your reader want to read through all your copy and the look and feel have to support your content well. There is a lot of great...

60 Useful Web Developer Cheat Sheet Collection

Today more or less everyone can put a simple web page together but implementation of professional Web based Application Front Ends is not as simple as some people may think. It is a complex task requiring deep knowledge of several technologies like html, css,...

465+ Useful CSS Layouts for Download

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language which is used primarily in text formatting. But nowadays, CSS is not only used in presentation semantics but in positioning contents as well. Positioning content in a webpage using CSS however, is a very difficult and...

45+ Beautiful and Creative HTML5 Website Showcase

HTML5 is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, a core technology of the Internet. It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (originally created in 1990 and most recently standardized as HTML4 in 1997) and as of September 2011 is...

40 Top Flash Game Tutorial Roundup

Flash is a very versatile and mature technology used in a number of ways including game development. This however creating a game using can be a challenge for beginners. This is partly because flash can be quite hard to learn and master. On the other hand typically...

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