Photoshop Tutorial, Create Logo with Transparent Glass Text

Photoshop is the ideal tool for creating stunning effects in text. tripwire magazine have previously provided a huge compilation of photoshop text effect tutorials that you can find here 80+ Stunning Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials. In this article you will work with...

Huge Collection of Photoshop Brushes, Patterns, Shapes and Tuts

I have provided large collections of Icon Sets in earlier posts because with really good Icons at hand Designer can save themselves a great deal of time. The same is true for Free Photoshop Brushes, Shapes, Textures and Patterns that are quite essential when creating...

75+ Photoshop Effects, Brushes, Patterns, Tutorials

In this article tripwire magazine provides a Photoshop Mega Toolbox with all you can wish for in Tutorials, Textures, Patterns, Brushes, Actions, Cheat Sheets etc. The article has been spit up in 8 sections to make sure you imidiately find what you’re looking for.

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