
As a mobile apps designer Iโ€™m sure you are often looking for inspiration to ensure that you can deliver constant innovation and high quality to your clients. A really efficient way to get serious inspiration for specific parts of your mobile apps project is looking for web sites showcasing the best apps created be other creative designers. With hundred thousands of mobile apps flooding the market it can be challenging to stand out and I recommend you seek inspiration and look for good elements and combine the top findings into new unique creations. If you are not a mobile apps designer and developer yet I can tell you that there is a great chance you will be one soon. It is all about mobile right now and it is not going to change very soon!

As the mobile Internet surfing is constantly increasing thereโ€™s a huge trend right now leaving website administrators with an important job to do. If you are also into mobile website design you should consider looking for responsive WordPress themes and mobile templates to make the job a lot easier.

For Tripwire Magazine readers I have collected 20 mobile apps inspiration and design pattern galleries you should bookmark right away. These sites should help you get the needed inspiration and allow you to keep track of new styles, trends and mobile design practices. Check. Brainstorm. Be Inspired! Another great option for mobile friendly web design is to use responsive layouts. I recommend you consider using responsive WordPress themes if your are going in this direction. The collection of responsive themes I found here is quite good. [exec]$filestr = file_get_contents(โ€˜โ€™);echo $filestr;[/exec]

1. Mobile Awesomeness

Mobile Awesomeness
Mobile Awesomeness is a gallery for mobile websites.

2. Mobile Patterns

Mobile Patterns
Mobile Patterns is such an amazing collection focuses solely on mobile UI elements. Created by Mari Sheibley, lead designer at FourSquare.

3. jQuery Mobile

 jQuery Mobile
A gallery showcasing jQuery mobile made sites or apps.

4. Landing Pad

 Landing Pad
If you are a mobile designer focuses on iPad design and development, this gallery showcase is the right one for you.

5. MOObileFrames

A collection of mobile wireframes and sketches scanned all throughout the web.

6. IOS Inspires Me

IOS Inspires Me
This gallery is not only showcasing the best looking iPhone and iPad websites but also showcasing the best looking app icons and app interfaces.

7. CSS iPhone

CSS iPhone
CSS iPhone is a gallery that showcases for iPhone mobile web designs only.

8. TappGala

A unique gallery for the best in mobile interface design.

9. App Sites

App Sites
A showcase of iPhone and iPad app websites.

10. iPad Walls

 iPad Walls
If youโ€™re looking for a high-quality iPad wallpapers and iPad backgrounds, you should check this website.

11. MakeBetterApps

Another gallery that showcases iPhone and iPad apps.

12. AppBoy

This is a community network site wherein mobile users can explore the hundreds of thousands of mobile apps in the market.

13. FWA Mobile Showcase

FWA Mobile Showcase
This is a mobile showcase version from FWA and focuses on showcasing the best of mobile, on a site created specifically for mobile devices.

14. Refined Mobile

Refined Mobile
A creative inspiration gallery for Mobile Web and UI Design.

15. iOSpirations

An iPhone and iPad app and web design inspiration gallery, but the uniqueness of this gallery is that it also tackles the iPad Game mobile design inspiration for gamers and mobile game makers.

16. TapFancy

TapFancy is a showcase for the very best iPhone and iPod Touch application design

17. Creattica

Creattica not only offers design inspirations for web and graphic designs but also on mobile interface.

18. Dribble

Although you can see only a 400ร—300 pixels of what Dribblerโ€™s are working on, Dribble is one of the best ways to get inspiration with.

20. D-Lists

D-Lists is a gallery that showcasing an iPad app sites.

Another Ember category for User Interface Design โ€“ iPad

20. TheyMakeApps

Most likely the same as Appboy but the only difference is that they feature the best mobile app makers. This is good for customers or clients to find their future mobile app developer or makers.

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Author : Hannah Milan


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Tripwire Magazine
20 Mobile Apps Inspiration and Design Patterns
Mobile Awesomeness
Mobile Patterns
 jQuery Mobile
 Landing Pad
IOS Inspires Me
CSS iPhone
App Sites
 iPad Walls
FWA Mobile Showcase
Refined Mobile
Total - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
themeforest banner
W creative Portfolio Theme Banner
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